Hello Friends!!
Today we’re talking about letting go of limiting beliefs , putting who you really are out there into the world and setting yourself free!
I know it might sound cheesy… and it kind of is… but when you stop hiding behind masks, start being your “true self” and actually sharing it with the world… life just seems to get a whole lot easier
(and way more fun!!)
A few weeks ago, I did something that at the time seemed really really scary, although looking back, it was no big deal at all…
What did I do you might be wondering? Well…
* * * drumroll * * *
I posted on my personal facebook page and “outed” myself about this little blog of mine to all the friends/family/acquaintances that I’d been keeping it hidden from for all these years.
I just put it out there… for all to see!
Now, some of you reading this might be rolling your eyes at this silly fear of mine, but I’m sure there’s at least one person out there who can relate!
I’ve been blogging for nearly 6 years now, and while I absolutely love it, it has always been very hush-hush and not something I ever shared or talked about with anyone in my “real life”.
Those closest to me knew about my blog of course, but for some silly reason I was always ridiculously embarrassed about it!
I know it seems strange that I’d be so worried - I put this blog out there, on the internet where anyone can read it…
I have no problem with strangers reading my blog… because…well… they’re strangers! If they judge me… that’s ok… I don’t care about the opinions of people who don’t know me…. but the people who I do know… and who’s opinions I do care about … the idea of them finding this little online world of mine… that was terrifying!
It’s not like I was doing anything “bad”, but for years I kept it hidden because this blog is so much a reflection of me - my loves, my thoughts (and a side of me I don’t always share with everyone around me) so I was scared of people’s judgement. Worried they would think it was silly, too frivolous, not intelligent enough, not something that was “helping the world” enough.… because… well I guess there was a little part of me that thought those things too!
It’s taken a lot of mindset work to actually figure out what the limiting beliefs that were holding me back were, and to actually let go of them. It’s something I’ve been taking small steps towards over the past year… but I finally decided that I needed to do the thing that scared me the most and just take that leap.
It was time to let go of that fear, realise that I would be ok if people judged it and that I just needed to put it out there so that the fear would no longer have power over me and I could just get on with doing my thing!
…and now that it’s out there… I feel so free - like the biggest weight has been lifted off my shoulders!
I wanted to share this with you all because I really hope it can inspire some of you to take that leap in your own life too - in whatever it is that scares you - big or small!
(I know this “leap” of mine is no big deal in the scheme of things… but it’s made a huge difference to how I feel and how I show up… so it all counts!)
It might take a while, but each baby step gets you a little closer... and once you actually make the decision, it is so incredibly freeing!
“We are all meant to shine and as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others permission to do the same” - Marianne Williamson.
So let’s get onto some actual tips to help you do this and start sharing that light of yours!
I don’t want to oversimplify this though - some of these suggestions that I’m going to talk about can be challenging and are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the mindset work. If you’re wanting to dive deeper I’d highly recommend reading this post about the online course “Your Best Life” created by Kelly Trach that has been so transformational for me. The course actually walks you through this work step-by-step.
1) Figure out what those limiting beliefs actually are.
Ask yourself - what’s holding me back? Get down to the core of it and acknowledge it. It might surprise you, it might be a little uncomfortable…you might need to sit with it for a while…
2) Ask yourself - who gave me this limiting belief?
Because someone, somewhere, probably unintentionally, gave it to you…and it seeped into your subconscious.
3) When you’re ready, decide that it’s time to let it go - and release it.
Realise that you don’t need that belief anymore… it’s not helping you, it’s not protecting you, it’s not a part of you. Someone gave you that belief and you have the choice to “return it to sender”.
4) Choose and take on a new belief
Replace that limiting belief with one that’s actually helpful. Daily affirmations are a great way to do this!
As I said before - this is just the tip of the iceberg and you might be wondering how the hell you actually do this stuff?! Kelly goes into this a lot more in her course Your Best Life*
(*Affiliate link - I’m an affiliate for this course because I truly loved it and it’s helped me so much!)
5) Read inspiring books/blogs/listen to podcasts that lift you up
One of the most life-changing books I’ve read this year was Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. It gave me a whole new perspective on creativity and helped me see some of those limiting beliefs that were holding me back. It obviously depends on what you’re working on, but if you have any blocks in regards to creativity, this book might help you out!
6) Find “Expanders” - people who inspire you, who are doing what you would love to be doing or creating what you dream of creating!
I discovered this year that Meghan Markle had a lifestyle blog… and this discovery was eye-opening for me. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have no interest in marrying Prince Harry and becoming a Duchess. What I do have an interest in is creating an inspiring space on the internet where I can share my loves and interests with the world, while still having my career in dentistry and being taken seriously in that too!
Meghan Markle had a successful career as an actress and she also created something of her own - a lifestyle blog - “The Tig”*
“It was time for me to say that this website, this passion project, this thing called The Tig, was going live. And I was petrified. That may come as a surprise to you, but let’s be real for a moment. I’m an actor. I have made a career of saying other people’s words for a living and making them sound believable…Simply speaking, I am the vehicle. But this Tig thing…that was all me. My thoughts, my words, my likes, my ethos. If you didn’t like it, then you probably didn’t like me. And I (including the people-pleasing little girl in me) had to be okay with that.” - Meghan Markle
She took a risk putting something that was very dear to her out there into the world, doing something that was totally different to her career…and she inspired me to do the same.
*note - sadly “The Tig” has been closed down now so there’s no new articles, but fortunately it can still be accessed through the wonders of the internet archives!!
7) Find a community who share your interests and can support you
I love my friends and family and they’re so supportive of me, but they just don’t really “get” this blogging thing (or some of the other random interests I’ve delved into this year!)
You need to find people who you can chat to about the things you love - it makes you feel less alone, less weird and just generally makes things more fun! Sometimes it’s hard to find those people in real life so connecting online can be a great way to find this supportive community!
This year I just went for it, did a few online courses, connected with people on instagram and even flew to Sydney for a course held by one of my fave podcasters - Jess Lively. By jumping in like this I’ve met some incredible people who I now consider friends, and they’ve helped me so much in getting comfortable and confident enough to put myself out there!
8) Pin-point that thing that scares you the most… and just do it!
This is the big, scary step, but it’s the one that will really change things. It might take some time to work up to it, maybe you’ll need to take baby steps at first, but eventually you’ll get to a point where you don’t want to stand back anymore… and you’ll just take the plunge!
… it will feel so freeing… and you’ll also probably look back and go
“what the hell was I worried about?!!”
In the words of my beautiful friend Dori - “Our journey in this world is to move the outer self closer and closer to matching the inner self so that there is eventually nothing left to hide.”
I hope this post has been helpful and inspiring in some way, and gives you that little friendly “push” to go and share your light!
I’d love to hear your thoughts, so leave me a comment, come say hi on Instagram @laurennatalia29 and share the post if you know someone who needs to hear this!
Love & Light
Photos taken in Esperance last year while on our honeymoon!
(check out my Esperance Travel Guide for more info about this stunning place!)